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Traditional in-person meetings are out of the question for startups and other small businesses that employ remote teams — they’re expensive, impractical and just so easily replaceable with a reliable video conferencing solution. And in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems as if every small business has goneContinue Reading

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  These days, small businesses increasingly need access to their data on the go, with no overhead for storage maintenance and no hardware maintenance costs. Cloud storage provides an efficient solution and is rapidly gaining in popularity. (For more, see: Cloud-Computing: an Industry in Exponential Growth.) This article explores the cloud-hosting concept and looks atContinue Reading

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There are a lot of advantages to working from home, not the least of which is a 30-second commute. And while many people think working from home means you can work on the couch, in the backyard, or even from your bed, in the end, you may find that you’reContinue Reading

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Amidst the incredibly long list of to-do items that naturally occur from running your own small business lies the necessary task of accounting. As tedious, annoying, or monotonous as this may be, it is critical to the success of any business that these records be managed appropriately and efficiently. HereContinue Reading

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When a small business hits hard times and can’t recover, its owner may want to consider filing for bankruptcy, especially if the enterprise has significant debt. But bankruptcy is generally considered a last resort, and it only makes sense in certain conditions. Jim Rudnicki, president of Rudnicki & Associates, says that bankruptcyContinue Reading